
The best things in life aren't things at all

Liebster Award – Numero 2! Encore, Encore!


Although I was just nominated for this award not too long ago, I’ve been nominated once again from Autumn! So thank you very much, Autumn! I appreciate it hugely and graciously accept!

liebster 2

So here we go again, folks! The rules are here in case you forget them.

11 Random Things About Myself

1. I do not do fake cheese… ie. velveeta, american cheese, space cheese… no thanks
2. I love dolphins and have gone swimming with them in the wild in New Zealand
3. As a kid I used to hate cookies, donuts and pizza.. my parents called me the Fruit Monster because I loved fruit so much
4. For the majority of my life, I’ve had a dog as a pet
5. I can’t wait to go to Thailand, Vietnam and Bali one day
6. I’m not extremely tech savvy
7. I could eat 5 pound of king crab all to myself (well, I’m up for the challenge anyhow)
8. I love small, thoughtful gestures that make someone feel special
9. My older sister looked like Annie when she was a kid
10. I drove a packer/roller for a construction site one summer
11. I can hold my own in a chess match

Questions From Autumn

  1. Stripes or Polka Dots?

    Both 🙂

  2. Signature Starbucks drink?

    Depends on my mood…  I like a gingerbread latte in the winter, an iced caramel macchiato in the summer with extra caramel, an iced tea if I’m not feeling coffee…

  3. What’s your best feature, in your opinion? (Self love, y’all)

    I’m thoughtful

  4. If you could live in another era, which era would you choose?

    I will also require an explanation…I like this era. I like life now 🙂

  5. Who inspires you?

    My Mom. She was one of the greatest teachers there ever once was.  She worked endless hours and did so much for her students because she loved them. She spend her evenings doing schoolwork and spent her summer in her classroom preparing for her kids. From a daughter’s perspective she put way too much thought and consideration into every single report card and it always took her forever to do them because she would never write anything generic. Looking back, I love that about her. She always did so much extra for her kids and she would do it year after year after year without getting the recognition she deserved. As an adult, I realized that she did so much for her kids because she loved them… not because she wanted a pat on the back.

  6. Describe your perfect day.

    My favourite kinds of days are going on new adventures to places I’ve never been before with people I love. Eating good food. Drinking good wine and/or other bevs. Going to the beach. Watching the sunset. Smelling fresh flowers.

  7. Favorite way to relax and de-stress?

    Ideally a day at the spa! Followed by wine.

  8. Describe one quirk about yourself.

    Oh boy… I have many. I can’t and will not finish the last bit of liquid at the bottom of my drink. The thought of backwash has taunted me from my childhood days.

  9. What was your childhood dream?

    So cheesy… to meet my Mr. Wonderful and have a long, happy and healthy life together. Nailed it.

  10. What is your mantra/favorite quote?maya
  11. What’s one item off your bucket list?

    Paddleboarding!! Happy to have scratched that one off last weekend 🙂


My Nominees:
A La Modern Mom

Witty Critty

My Questions for the Nominees:

1. What are your favourite and least favourite blog posts to read?
2. If you could have any profession in the world, what would it be (without worrying about money, time, financial)?
3. What is your favourite physical feature of yourself?
4. Who do you need to say “I love you” to more?
5. Who do you need to say “I’m sorry” to?
6. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
7. Where is your favourite place in the whole world?
8. If you could redo anything in your life differently, what would you redo?
9. What is the nicest thing that somebody has ever done for/to you?
10. What would an ideal day be for you?
11. What is your favourite post that I have ever written?
12. What is your favourite post that you have ever written?

Enjoy Life, Lovelies!




7 thoughts on “Liebster Award – Numero 2! Encore, Encore!

  1. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award – Say Whaaaaaaattttt!? THANK YOU | LisaListed

  2. Awe, ain’t you sweet!?

    You should try some spray cheese on a ritz with a green Olive. Trés classy and delicious and shit.

    Thanks for thinking about me and my stupid blog. I appreciate it.

  3. We also share a strong, strong dislike for fake cheese. I cannot look at velveeta without gagging.

  4. Hurray for you!!! You inspire me as well !

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